Page 5 - Goldair_Handling_F WEB
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    CEO Message   5

 1.   CORPORATE PROFILE   7  4.   HEALTH & SAFETY                                                       69

     Company Overview   8     Our Approach                                                              70
     Delivering Value for all   10     Safety Management                                                74

    Our Services   11        Emergency Response                                                         79
    International Presence   16
    Business Resilience through Responsible Governance   20  5.   OUR ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIC PRIORITIES   83

    Corporate Identity   23     Going GReener Project                                                   85
     Investing in Customer Excellence   30     Our Performance                                          87

     Provision of High-quality Services   32      Environmental Awareness and Engagement                91
     Responsible Supply Chain   36      Suppliers’ Environmental Awareness                              92

 2.  OUR APPROACH TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT   39  6.   SOCIAL INITIATIVES                              95
    Sustainability Pillars and Priorities   40     Our Community Involvement                            96
    Stakeholder Engagement   42     Supporting Vulnerable Groups                                        97

     Double Materiality Analysis   44     Community Volunteering                                        98
                             Environmental Awareness                                                    99

 3.   EMPOWERED EMPLOYEES   53     Fostering Well Being                                                100

     Our Employment Culture   53
     Our People at a Glance   55  7.   REPORT INFORMATION                                              103

     Our Workforce in Numbers   56     GRI Content Index                                               104
     Human Capital Development   59     About the Report                                               110
     Communication with Our People   66     Feedback Form                                              111

 2          ESG & SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021-2022                                                           3
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