Page 13 - Goldair_Handling_F WEB
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Delivering Value for All *  Our Services

 *Data for reference years 2021,2022
 Shareholders | Employees | Customers | Passengers | Suppliers |
 State and Regulatory Authorities | Local Communities and NGOs |

 Institutional Bodies  External Partners | Financial Institutions

 Ground Handling Services  PRM Services
 Provision of administrative ground and supervision   Providing a high level
 services, passenger services, baggage handling   of service
 services, ramp handling services  to PRM passengers

 203.074  206.867
 International flights  Passengers were served



 Consulting Services

 Provision of   Ground Handling Services
 consulting services
 in accordance
 with our customer's   Goldair Handling provides ground administration and supervision services, which include
 needs           management functions and supervision. These services involve representing and communicating
                 with local authorities or any other relevant parties, making payments on behalf of the user, providing
 2  4 Lounges    spaces for representatives, and overseeing loading, messaging, telecommunications, processing,

 airports in Ethiopia,   370.989  storage, and handling of loading units. Additionally, Goldair Handling offers any other administrative
                 service requested by airlines before, during, or after the flight.
 where services   Visitors
                 The passenger services provided by Goldair Handling are related to assisting passengers during
 Freight & Mail Services   their departure, arrival or transit. These services mainly involve checking tickets and travel documents
                 and holding baggage while also carrying them to sorting systems.
 Provision of freight and mail receiving
 and handling services
                 Goldair Handling's baggage handling services cover the entire range of baggage handling on belts and
 117.519         screening. They mainly relate to sorting and preparing baggage for departure, loading and unloading them

 Tones of cargo and mail   from the aircraft, as well as transporting them from the sorting room to the distribution room.
                 Ramp handling services mainly concern servicing aircraft, including guiding the aircraft during arrival
                 and departure, servicing during its parking, organizing communications with the aircraft, as well as loading
 4.705  > 160   34  5  and unloading the aircraft. Additionally, ramp handling services also involve transporting crew, passengers,

 employees  customers  airports  countries  and baggage between the aircraft and the airport, serving at the start of the aircraft, and moving the aircraft
                 during departure and arrival. Goldair Handling also implements the necessary measures for transporting,
                 loading, and unloading in-flight food and beverages.

 10         ESG & SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021-2022                                                          11
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